Today, CRD Senior Vice President Emily Holubowich was featured on the homepage of Politico in “The Debrief” discussing the potential for a government shutdown this fall. As a Senior Vice President at CRD, Emily serves as Executive Director of the Coalition for Health Funding and Co-Chair of NDD United, an alliance of over 2,100 organizations working to protect investments in core government functions that benefit all Americans.
In the interview, Emily discusses the current environment and anticipates a 25% chance that the government will shut down again this Fall. However, as she points out, in Washington saying “shutdown” is a lot like saying “Beetlejuice.” When asked about the chances for a shutdown, Emily explained:
I would have liked to say zero about a week ago, but you say “shutdown” and it’s almost like “Beetlejuice.” And so, the fact that everyone is now talking about shutdown, it almost…becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, like, it is sort of going to happen. So, I would say, maybe, right now, 25 percent shutdown.
A video of Emily’s Politico interview is available here and the related article by Darren Samuelsohn is available here.
Emily is sought out for her budget and appropriations expertise and has been leading the fight against sequestration through NDD United since the enactment of the Budget Control Act in 2011. She has appeared on MSNBC and NPR, and has been quoted in New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and other national, Beltway, and trade publications.